Monday, June 28, 2010

Yo, yo, Suze!

Hey! OMG! Luv the new post on my blog!!! Luv the title 2... u' sad and pathetic, but I think that i miss Mr. Can i have a part of you, Raquel. LOL! There mut be something terribly wrong w/ me! So, what r u doing? Acting camp starts tomorrow... lol Jonathan!!! BUSHEL AND A PECK!!! Oh, i found a new themesong 4 u... it has the name "Suzanna" in it. Let u no about it later.... We should buy yearbooks next year and get Nick, Garret, Gavin, and all your other lovers to sign it (Well Nick wasn't your bothersome lover, but still)! The reason i had mouthash in my  mouth is that i had finished brushing my teeth before reading ur blog. LOL! u r hilarious!!! I LLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEEEE YOU!!!!
u h8 me... ooohh i'm sooo scared! JK! Well, actually, i am kinda scared of u....
Raquel, ur bffla (bet friend for life always)

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