Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Eclipse??? Not like u at all, Mrs. Jonas!

Well... i'd pay extra 2 to c nick as the Music Man! Wouldn't we all!? LOL! So, i couldn't hear the song yet (there's something wrong w/ the computer). I'll listen 2 it tomorrow! PROMISE! BTW! LUVVV the title!!! OMG! I forgot all about Joe and the fillet! DUDE! One of the camp counselors is named JOE! LOL! what a coincidence! Suze, u and family should come c the play! At least u and twin b! ($10 each). Even my distant cousin is coming! I mean... it's not the best quality play since there are only 12 kids and lots of them r young and it's just camp, but you'd laugh a lot at everyone's mistakes and c... ME!

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