Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Eclipse??? Not like u at all, Mrs. Jonas!

Well... i'd pay extra 2 to c nick as the Music Man! Wouldn't we all!? LOL! So, i couldn't hear the song yet (there's something wrong w/ the computer). I'll listen 2 it tomorrow! PROMISE! BTW! LUVVV the title!!! OMG! I forgot all about Joe and the fillet! DUDE! One of the camp counselors is named JOE! LOL! what a coincidence! Suze, u and family should come c the play! At least u and twin b! ($10 each). Even my distant cousin is coming! I mean... it's not the best quality play since there are only 12 kids and lots of them r young and it's just camp, but you'd laugh a lot at everyone's mistakes and c... ME!


 Dude! Albanito would have been a better guy for the play than Sergio! At least Albanito can sing and is loud when he talks! Sergio must be the dumbest, quietest, most unsure actor EVER! At least Albanito would have brought in some "spice" into the play! And Sergio, of course, got the main part since he's the oldest! Anyway, have fun @ eclipse... we r the twilight HATERS! LOL!
Raquel ur loving bff


Suze!! Who told you to go and get sick? You shouldn't listen to everything that people say! JK! Feel Better! Maybe I could come and act Marian for you 2 make u feel better! I could dance all of the dances JONATHAN taught me in front of u! JK LOL! So, today, i had to practice this scene with Sergio (the Music Man). It was WEIRD! Sara (the director) made us practice our eye contact for like 45 minutes! Whatever! At least it's not like he's a total stranger... i knew him from last year. At least i don't have 2 kiss him! Lauren (some other grl) is doing that when we switch off roles. (:( i don't want 2 switch, but all of us do so that it's fair). Besides, i get the longer Marian part which makes me happy! BTW Marian is Irish... i guess Mrs. Doyle got her wish! Anyway, get better soon so that you can tan on the beach in PR and get blacker than u already r!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Hey!!!! I'm sooo Happy, Susan!

Ok... so, want 2 no why I'm so happy? Ok, well... I just got the main (female) part in "The Music Man!" OMG! I'm sooo happy! I have two solos and I'm the town librarian who falls in love with the Music Man! So, whatcha doing? Write back!!!
Raquel the Radiant Regina (queen)
PS: I read ur message... luv Christian's voice! Nice touch! OMG! I had to look twice to make sure that the chihuahua really wasn't me... there's a similar resemblance! Same 4 u and the mouse (except u r more like a rat JK)!

Monday, June 28, 2010

So random!

Um... great pics, suze... yes... very... interesting.... (i must admit, i like the one with the say no to drugs and say yes to tacos)! I couldn't resist checking if u wrote back and u did! BTW: u r a taco stealer! Susan running 2 eat my tacos. LOL! Idk who is worse... u or Nick! But i luv u... NOT him! (luv raquel the running robber)!
Raquel the rambunctious rattlesnake
PS: check out the slideshows at the bottom!

Like it?

Hey! stop writing! JK. Naw... but i might not answer till tomorrow 'cause i must eat! TACO NIGHT! Did u hear ur name in the song? Luv the title on the other post! LOL!
Raquel the Racing Rabbit!

Polly Wolly Doodle (well this is interesting lol)


dude! u respond FAST! ur like flash, man! So... the only day I'm free is... oh jk, i'm not free at all. =( Sry. I would have said Sat., but i'm going 2 PA. So... Jonathan's wife (the trans) didn't show up! LOL! I'm happy u got blogger on ur phone (WAIT... did u?)! Wish i could do that! BUT I CAN'T, of course! My mom liked the pic of u as cat in the hat! i just had 2 show her that! LOL! We need to get our 50's girls costumes in the beginning of OCT. Look up polly wolly doodle, man! U NEEEEEEDDDD it to make ur blog complete!!!
Raquel (IVA)
   P.S. I also had forgotten about that (UVA (casey the "grape"), IVA (raquel was "going"), and u, OVA, which stands 4 "ova"ry)!


I can't post the polly wolly doodle song! Post It YOURSELF! (in a friendly way, i mean). Naw... i just don't no how! But post it on ur blog! See post before this!
Raqie the Raccoon Roared!


Yes... i did have fun @ acting camp today!!! Jonathan is sooo gay, but nice and funny! I'm doing the music man and i thought that Nick could be the music man and, instead of a sailor, he could be the town creeper that gives out toys to all the kids rather than instruments!!! LOL! LOL! LOL! So... in camp, we r literally doing the Gabe Alvarez dance! OMG! It's the same dance with the legs kicking up at the sides! i have 2 show u! You're gonna lol sooo much when u c it! YES YES YES YES YES! I still can't believe that it's like the same dumb dance!!! The dance is following me. So... what r u doing? loved the bushel and a peck song!! Except the little girl was like high! Did they put crack in her baby mush or something?! U no... i miss the ppl from last yrs acting camp. There's only 12 ppl this year and they r all quiet and shy. BORING! Last yr, there were 37 kids and we were all lively and cool. I'm the loudest one there this year and have the biggest chance of getting the main female part. It's raining. When r u going 2 PR? I'll miss u, but just write 2 me on my blog! WOW! This is my longest post 2 u yet! Oh, the new theme song 4 u is called "Polly Wolly Doodle!" It's a great title, right? I'll try 2 post it. Sry if it does not work!=) BTW... i would have spit out my mouthwash while reading ur post if i had any. I lol rly hard, though! LUV U ALWAYS!
Ur bffla, Raquel
LOL! PS: I forgot all about Manuelito! Gud times!


Like the title? Goodness it's one in the morn! See what u make me do!!! Naw... so, acting camp is TODAY! You no... Albano should have come to camp w/ me... it would help the new "hit song" get more popular! LOL! Suze u r one funny grl. Um, i'll look up the song 4 u (the suzanna one). btw... u made me spit out my mouthwash AGAIN!

Yo, yo, Suze!

Hey! OMG! Luv the new post on my blog!!! Luv the title 2... u' sad and pathetic, but I think that i miss Mr. Can i have a part of you, Raquel. LOL! There mut be something terribly wrong w/ me! So, what r u doing? Acting camp starts tomorrow... lol Jonathan!!! BUSHEL AND A PECK!!! Oh, i found a new themesong 4 u... it has the name "Suzanna" in it. Let u no about it later.... We should buy yearbooks next year and get Nick, Garret, Gavin, and all your other lovers to sign it (Well Nick wasn't your bothersome lover, but still)! The reason i had mouthash in my  mouth is that i had finished brushing my teeth before reading ur blog. LOL! u r hilarious!!! I LLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEEEE YOU!!!!
u h8 me... ooohh i'm sooo scared! JK! Well, actually, i am kinda scared of u....
Raquel, ur bffla (bet friend for life always)


OMG! The pic u put on my blog made me spit out my mouthwash!!! I luv it! u need to frame that pic and hang it on ur wall. Oh, and i did have fun today! I hung out w/ Jen. So... r u taking prozac or something b/c u r suddenly very happy each day! LOL! Luv u... u h8 me!
 Rocky Road... ICE CREAM!
suppository, Yes!, tea, i luv raquel, etc.
PS. I took a pic of a teacup today!


  I luv ur message on my blog! U r the best!!!! So... what r u doing? I'm going to the zoo with my aunt, mom, and Jen. We NEED to meet up and u NEED to change ur lunch period!!! PLEASE!
EEEEKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (constipated mouse)
ur bff, raquel


  What is the meaning of this sudden outburst of happiness? This is an outrage!!!!! Naw, u know I luv u (as a bff)! U HATE MY GUTSSSSSS! So, I luv my blog... thanx for the vids! BTW... check out what I wrote. Oh, and I'm following Casey Ayala's blog now, too! Peace on Earth and good will to all men! God bless anyone who loves tea as much as we do!
 ur bff,
Raquel Medina :)

happiness is awesome lol (i know this is cornyyy haha)

I'm really happy today, thats all I gotta say :)

Hey Suze!

 So... I was walking home from your house and I saw Nick Albano driving his ugly green Jeep! He's stalking me! LOL! I hate him! Wish u and Casey were there!