Thursday, July 22, 2010

INCEPTION WAS INCREDIBLEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :)

heyy bloggg ppls!!!! :) I just wanted to say that I saw the movie Inception today with Leonardo Dicaprio in it, and it was freakin amazing/fantastic/incrediblee!!!!!! :) I loved it, and everyone should get their dairy ends up and off their couches and go see the movie, like now!!!! The whole world should see it. seriously.go watch it. please? :) k byee blog pplsss!!!!!! follow my blog! O and the followers of my blog! especially Raquel the Hobbit Girl :) pleaseeeee go follow her blog, i'm sure its way more entertaining to read then mineeee so seriously go check her blog out, go! lol k byeee! :)

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