Friday, July 30, 2010

degrassi-eli and clare

Eli and Clare are soooo cuteee awww i hope they become a couple :) <3 The song in the vid is Irresistable by Jessica Simpson

Friday, July 23, 2010

Degrassi Quiz Badges :)

Eli is kinda cutee in a weird/mysterious type of way lol :) But I love Drew on the show! Drew's real name is Luke Bilyk, he's so cuteeee :) <3 Oh and Eli's real name is Munro Chambers :) <3

Ok here's what I got on the quiz, of which degrassi character would mess with my heart lol, and its Eli lol :)

Quizzes   Girls Games

 This is How much of a Degrassi Fan I Truly am :)

this is what i got for what degrassi guy i should date lol

this is the degrassi character i am, its K.C. :)

This is my degrassi crush lol its blue.

This is the supposed bad guy tht i should date if i were in degrassi lol peter :p

 This is how Degrassi my life not so much :p

this is the degrassi clique i would be in lol :p

Sav is my Degrassi BFF lol :)

My degrastrology sign is...

apparently degrassi will change my life lol :p

~Seussical :D

Daughtry - September

Thursday, July 22, 2010

INCEPTION WAS INCREDIBLEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :)

heyy bloggg ppls!!!! :) I just wanted to say that I saw the movie Inception today with Leonardo Dicaprio in it, and it was freakin amazing/fantastic/incrediblee!!!!!! :) I loved it, and everyone should get their dairy ends up and off their couches and go see the movie, like now!!!! The whole world should see it. seriously.go watch it. please? :) k byee blog pplsss!!!!!! follow my blog! O and the followers of my blog! especially Raquel the Hobbit Girl :) pleaseeeee go follow her blog, i'm sure its way more entertaining to read then mineeee so seriously go check her blog out, go! lol k byeee! :)

Sunday, July 11, 2010


YAYYYY SPAIN WON THE WORLD CUP YESSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just wanted to say that :) comment if u hav anything to say, i don't care what lol :p

~Seussical :D